Monday, July 21, 2008

Dark dark dark.... Via Darjeeling !

Kay Kay Menon, Rajat Kapur and Vinay Pathak an amazing trio that was driving me crazy all this while...untill I saw the end product... a thriller come story telling tale -gone wrong!

The plot revolves around a couple thats on honeymoon to kalimpong,on the day of their return to their city the husband(Kay Kay) goes missing under threatening circumstances and the wife (Sonali Kulkarni) is left behind to deal with the rest..... Enters Vinay Pathak as the investigating officer who gets to know that the lady has doubts about the taxi driver (earlier shown to have had a fight with Kay kay) and a mystery man (who has been following her through out their mooning !)

That is the end of it...and then comes in part 2 of the plot where a group of friends comprising a jounalist, tv actress, film maker, housewife and a police officer meet up on a rainy night and begin to give their dimensions to the above story told by Vinay Pathak. Each one comes with a story that almost gets on to you and makes u restless... it just gets a little tolerable in the end when the plot is in the court of Mr.Pathak and he makes it a little better and interesting.
During this adda session, the different versions begin to blend into problems in everyone's personal lives. And it brings the mystery to Kolkata one night, via Darjeeling.
A story told by different people changes perspectives and colour as and when they are narrated. The storytellers' vocations and personalities come into play as they narrate someone else's story.

Ahhh and not to forget a missing duo here.... two friends who havent joined in as yet due to rains.
And an abrupt exit of the cop from the party and an expected predictable entry of Sonali Kulkarni and Pravven Dabas ( shown as mystery man) !!

And then the very predictable... The cop forgets his phone at the party and comes back to get it and guess who opens the door... yes Ms.Kulkarni ! And the screen goes blank! The end...

So now the director has left it all to our discretion to decide whether Mr.Cop's story was true or was he just unleashing his imagination....

In my opinion, Kay Kay never went missitng! It was all a story ...the rest is for you to decide...

Kay Kay n Vinay Pathak are good like always and rest fine... Sonali kulkarni really managed to get on me!

One interesting observation. The movie has a subject very similar to Kurosawa's "RASHOMON". In fact it's a modernized version of the Black & White movie and in one scene Rajat Kapoor can be seen holding the DVD of this classic in his hand. May be it's the director's way of giving tribute to the master film-maker.


Anonymous said...

enormously correct!

Anonymous said...

Kay k was really good... do u know u can kill a movie or a book by ur review... gosh! u make me read

Anonymous said...

tuch tuch...why u wasted ur time ra...