Hmmm, to start with let me just give you the climax of the novels comprising some 86 chapters, Keys survives and Lucky Santangelo lives on, the one who dies is the drug lord Anthony Bonar!
This is sad end of a novel that tries to hold you for a long time. Reading this one was not much different from reading the previous ones by Jackie, but what she really needs to know now is the time for her lovely Lucky to die and yes ofcourse her father Gino who is going strong at 95. It starts with involoving a lot many characters and leaving your memory with a long list to be brushed off before begining the secong round of it. The hunk actor here fails to make you lust after him, so does his suprestar much older girlfriend.... If it wasnt for tasteful language and binding metaphors n fallacies trust me I would ve so left it in the middle.
The only thing that kept me going was my urgent need to find out it MAX (Lucky's spoilt daughter) ever gets away from her internet freak and if the huge new celebrity hotle Keys is ever blown off...
It left me wondering if she's starting down the road to relying on her name to sell a book rather than making sure that she will keep the readers happy.
I am so not anti Jackie but this was so like getting back to Mills n Boon and one of Sidney Sheldon's. The usual Jackie Collins lustre is also missing. I so wish LUCKY would just become how she was in the previous one ! Is Jackie listening?
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